A Record That May Never Be Broken

Many veterans of Conval Nation remember taking business law, bookkeeping or typing (yes, typing) classes with Ron Crowe over the first 30 years of the high school. What many forget is that “Mr. Crowe” is a legend in our hoop heritage!

From the 1964 season at Peterborough High through the 1994 state championship run at Conval, Ron was the official keeper of the scorebook—30 years! In paying tribute to Ron’s dedication to youth, the community, and basketball as he prepared to pass the scorebook onto the next volunteer, the Peterborough Transcript wrote:

“With endless enthusiasm brought on by love for the game, and the young people who came through the school system over the years, Ron was a fixture at home basketball games—logging in the names, keeping track of time outs and personal fouls, tallying up the scores. When the team went on the road, Ron and wife Priscilla became loyal fans in the stands. Later all three boys—Mike, the late Steven, and Rick—would star for the varsity, and daughter Debbie offered support and her enthusiasm as a member of the cheerleading squad.”

In his spare time, Ron helped fuel future generations of basketball lovers, teaching young kids how to skillfully dribble a basketball and correctly step off on a lay-up. He also expertly coached Conval High’s first-ever baseball team in the 1971 season. And before retiring, “Mr. Crowe” served as an assistant principal and then a guidance counselor!

Note….Ron and wife Priscilla were again “loyal fans in the stands” in January when good friend and colleague Coach Ray Richard was honored as Conval’s first 100-win basketball coach (pictured).

Since Ron Crowe’s retirement from the scorer’s table in 1994, Conval Nation has been blessed to have had numerous other teachers and members of the community follow in his footsteps—many serving faithfully behind the scenes.

To one and all, thank you for giving your time to support our kids over the past 50-plus years. What a heritage!

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