Passion Knows No Season

There is, as Tom Hanks said in
A League of Their Own, “no crying in baseball,” and there are no snow days in basketball, either.

We love this pic of Ryan Wilson (CV ’25), who doesn’t let winter weather deter his passion for growing in the game.

In the spirit of Hoosiers' Jimmy Chitwood’s relentless shooting at his rustic farmyard hoop, Ryan's passion is like that of many other basketball players in our small towns down through the decades who have jimmied gym door locks, crawled through church gym windows, dribbled basketballs wherever they’ve walked, and have not let darkness, bent rims, rickety backboards, cold, rain, or snow deter their love of the game.

Shout out to Ryan and others like him who are carrying on the all-out tradition that has made our Conval Hoop Heritage so rich and enjoyable. In the words of former NBA great Tim Duncan:

“Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best.”

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