Gooch, Boomer and Rusty...And a Season for the Ages

Peterborough High dominated the 1940-'41 Class B all-tournament team: Front: William Turner of Groveton. Second row: Paul Valla of Lebanon and Rusty Ames of Peterborough. Back row: Bob Gooch and Clarence “Boomer” Brenner of Peterborough, and Donald Lambert of Lebanon . I n the first week of March 1941, “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” starring Carol Lombard and Gene Raymond, along with a Disney cartoon, were playing at the Gem Theater in downtown Peterborough (what is now the Coopershill/Peterborough Community Theater building). A new Buick could be yours for just $915. Various citizens were advertising why they were running for town office (Overseer of the Poor seemed to be a hotly contested one). The upcoming Town Meeting dinner at the Town House would get you potato and egg salad, sliced ham, baked beans, and choice of bread, pies and coffee—all for 35 cents. An oh by the way, the Peterborough High boys’ basketball team won another state championship! Buried among several other front page ...